Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1.) I am thankful for rainbows that are a reminder of God's promises. And they are very beautiful!

2.) My sweet Grandma's wrinkly, saggy arms (she worked in the cotton fields when she was a young girl in KY, her skin was perfectly wrinkled from all the sun). When I was little I use to play with skin on the back of her arms - my mom was mortified, but it did not seem to bother G-ma. haha

3.) Family and Friends - Family that comes together and Friends that jump up to take my kids in a moments notice.

4.) My Hubby who just made me tea!

5.) My cute kiddos that make me laugh! We were asking the kids if they knew where each of them were born - Lily said......"mmmm......Walmart?"

I have so much to be thankful for! Thank you Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Shauna,
    Thank you for sharing such beautiful words about your grandma and the precious moments you were given with her. That, together with the sweet things Marlece has shared, gave me such a lovely picture of your grandma. I will be praying for your family Saturday, that the sweet peace of Jesus will cover you all!


Love to hear from you!