Saturday, February 7, 2009


I have been thinking a lot about the legacy or heritage that I want to pass down and heritage that others have left. I find it so interesting that whenever I think of a beautiful heritage or legacy it NEVER has to do with worldly wealth. I think about my Grandpa Vaughan's parents and the legacy of family and love. They were very poor, yet extremely rich in family and love. Because of that I have LOVED hearing stories, retelling the stories and instilling that heritage in my children.

I feel like we have recently passed a fork in the road of our life and making a purposeful decision to follow Christ and seek the will of God for our lives (the plans HE has for us)- to go from a stand of faith to a walk of faith. Very different and so much better. This is not to say there will not be trials or hardships - Acts 14:22...."'We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God'..." Paul and Barnabas were trying to encourage the new believers. So comforting! I ask God why my hardship has to be this way or that and it occurred to me that if it was different then it really would not be a hardship. So I wait upon the Lord. I stand on the "confident hope" Christ has given me (Romans 12:12) and work on being "patient in trouble" and pray, pray, pray. Patience can only be taught/learned in the time trial. I pray I am learning and growing in this area. This is the heritage I want to leave my children. That when trials or hardships come our way that we serve a God that is bigger than the circumstance - there is a bigger picture here. He is our refuge and strength (too many verses to list on that one! Yay!). He will not leave you in the midst of the storm.

Matthew 6:33 (Amplified Bible)
33But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.

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