Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another Season

Another season of softball has begun.

#4 is starting her first year.  How can it be?

Her "ready position" is to die for.

Her run had us all in stitches.  Can I freeze her at this age?  

This will be #1's 8th season.  How can it be?

Hubby is a coaching both.  

Sometimes we measure "ministry" by level of spiritual appearance.

This is where God has us right now.
This is as important as leading mission trips.
It is never about the "works" but always about obedience.
This is a way we are "coaching"/discipling our daughters. {and as aways, having fun along the way}
What a great call. 


  1. Oh that Miss Lily intensly dedicated to do her very "bestest" at whatever she does...cute is not even a good enough word to describe her..I LOVE that girl & I agree with you..could we just freeze her at this age??? What a sweetie!!!

  2. Oh my gosh! I fall more in love with your kids with every picture! Lily is SO FREAKIN cute!!!! Please find a way to freeze her. And once you figure it out, freeze all of them haha! I can't believe #1 is already in her 8th SEASON!!!! She is getting WAY to grown up!!! We need to press the rewind button on that one! :)

  3. I just bumped onto your blog. We have adopted 2 children from Ethiopia and are from Klamath River, CA and then I saw your baseball pictures with Yreka on them. Are you from Yreka, CA?!!! This is my email if you wd like to contact me.


Love to hear from you!