Thursday, May 14, 2009

What this blog is for!

My sis pointed out to me that my blog seems so perfect. So I have been thinking about that and examining my heart of what my blog for. Why do I blog?

Well originally it was to communicate with other adopting families. I wanted to have a blog that they could click on and see that I am not some internet psycho looking to get info about their family. I really did not share it with my family or friends because at that point that was not the purpose. We, then, were at a point that God was really starting to move and shake us and I started to want to share thoughts, etc. That is when I shared it with my family and knowing they were looking at it, the blog then became a scrap book of sorts, to share. We do not live near one family member and have always tried to share pics with them and found this to be a great way (and fun too).

So as I sit here and think about what my blog is for I ultimately would like it to glorify God, He is worthy of all my thanksgiving and praise. I would like it to be a place of encouragement, not intimidation and discouragement. I also have tried very purposely not to "vent" here. Trust me when I say this is purposeful because that is something I battle without a blog. I also do not want it to be a place that I air my garbage for "honesty" sake. I have a core group of friends and family that I trust for that. They are God fearing people that love me and my family and have locked arms to do life with, that is where I will struggle through problems and seek personal advice, etc - not the internet.

To those who think I am perfect. I am here to assure you that because I smile for the camera does not void me from struggles and attacks from satan. Actually to be quite honest it seems the more we step out in faith the more battles to overcome. I am sure that those who have done this just shouted AMEN (I am pretty sure I just heard that :)).

I believe this race we run can get very difficult at times. I can not tell you how many times I have clicked on a blog and have walked away with great encouragement, it makes me bend down, tighten up my running shoes and press on. I love reading about a Mama doing a special project with her kids or a great date with a hubby - it inspires me to raise the bar, not get lazy. There is a place for deep honesty and confession - this is not the place I am choosing to do this. I will share a struggle, I am sure, but I am very aware that I am sending this out to the world. I have blogged in the past that the day my G-ma died I was fasting and praying for a situation in our life and asked you to pray for us - someday I will be able to share how God moved in a mighty way (I am claiming that right now). But until then my bloggy friend get to know just that.

I love blog world - I believe the intent can be a tool for reaching lives for Christ and spurring one other on and that is why I blog.

1 comment:

  1. Right on! I am so glad you have thoughtfully considered, and have chosen to use your blog to encourage others and glorify God! Seems like a mighty fine purpose to me! (I also like the part about sharing family pics and fun!)

    You bless me! And I know God is glorified. Carry on!


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