Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I know I have posted about this before but I think God has to teach me things again and again in different ways and different times - often :)! So I was again thinking about what is reality and what is realistic.

I remember so clearly one night an old high school friend came to pick me up at my college apt. We had decided to go down town Portland and eat dinner. This friend was a true ADHD kid - could not sit, always going 900 miles and hour and it got him in a lot of trouble. He had a good heart. Even though he had a great heart he was always in trouble, big trouble. And I will never forget our conversation that night in Portland. We were chatting about me getting married, going to college, etc. and he said something I will never forget. He said "so you mean to tell me that you will never go to jail?" he said that not going to jail is very unrealistic and everyone ends up going to jail at least once.

Sad thing is, that was his reality, his life, his world. People around him went to jail, got in trouble, ran from the authorities and so, to him, that was very unrealistic to live a different way. This is an extreme, I know, but the same thing happens for lukewarm Christians. They stay comfortable in their religious ideas and comfortable cycle, never really examining if they are on the narrow path. Why? Because everyone else around them is doing the same. It must be right, right? Like our youth pastor said a couple of Sundays ago that he could not think of a time where God calls us to be comfortable.

When I think about how that mindset can happen it throws me into the word of God and I pray that my mind will continue to be renewed! Renewed by the truth - the one truth and that I conform to it, not make it conform to my conveniences and thoughts. As Justin and I look to not just read God's word but apply God's word, I see that our reality is changing very quickly and it is looking a lot like I can do all thing through Christ. Nothing is impossible with Christ! Take God for His word, believe Him and watch your reality change. If you would have asked me a year ago if my hubby would be traveling to Africa and possibly starting the adoption of a child, I would have laughed and said THAT is very unrealistic and given you a list of reasons why that is so unrealistic. But now here I sit, surrounded by donations, luggage, passports and most of all the knowledge of knowing how God told hubby to "Go." I am not comfortable, I am totally relying on God. God has to do this to this, I can not. Did I mention this is Africa we are talking about?

So I will continue to ask God to renew my mind and ask Him to define my reality. His ways are much better than mine!


  1. Wow. I haven't commented on any till now (not that there haven't been a few worth commenting on:).
    I am SO proud of the woman you are and the amazing things that God is doing in your life. I can't wait to see what realities He has for us! I love you!

  2. Both you and your husband have encouraged me this morning. Thank you for that!!

  3. Amen sister! Thanks for sharing. The Lord has been challenging me a lot--getting away from what "seems logical" to being fully surrendered and willing to do what my Master desires.

  4. The reality is, when we open ourselves up to truly following wherever God leads, we never know what we are saying "Yes" to. It means not being in control of your own life, and yes, it can be uncomfortable. The reality is that we no longer plan the journey, but we can trust The One who does, and life truly becomes a great adventure. It's so exciting to see where your journey is leading you. You both challenge me to want to always be open to where God is leading me, because that's where I want to go! Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. I can totally relate to your thoughts! I would have never guessed a year ago that I would be headed for Africa on this trip too! And I definitely would have laughed if someone said our family would be growing through adoption again. In my mind we were done BUT God's plans are not always our plans and when He calls so strongly, it is far more work not to listen (at least in my experience) so I am working on TRUSTING Him for everything - even the impossible in my eyes. Thanks for your words! I can't wait to meet your husband!


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