Sunday, December 20, 2009

Be Blessed - I was!

This video was made by the beautiful children in our church. I love all these beautiful faces, esspecially one handsome adult shepherd and 5 little angels and shepherds! :) Enjoy and be blessed!!

(Please pause the music on the bottom to hear their little voices read God's word!)


  1. How much do I LOVE this?????Sha, love, love, love........this is a keeper.......

  2. Oh . . . so beautiful! I love this! Please say you'll make me a copy for my Christmas gift! I recognized Ashton's and Hunter's voices reading their parts (and the setting). Loved the "one handsome adult shepherd and 5 little angels and shepherds!" Very special Christmas blessing!

  3. Oh my word...that really did bless me this morning...I loved it.


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