Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I have so much to be thankful for! I see how God is molding and making me, pruning and gently leading me - I am so thankful.

I am thankful for a Sister in Christ that called just to check in on my spiritual condition. How cool was that? I am so thankful for real Christians that love to get real - LOVE IT!

I am thankful for an awesome playdate that I had today. 6 Super Awesome Mama's, 2 Loving Grandma's, 16 beautiful kids and a water slide = an awesome afternoon!

I am thankful for our church family. They Rock!

I am thankful for Thursday mornings when I get together with a girlfriend and we walk up a very steep hill. I am always sure I am not going to make it but I do and I love the feeling afterward. Ya wanta hear something cool? My girlfriend and I are reading through The Power of a Praying Parent book - she reads out loud while we walk - she has a massive talent, hu? We walk fast and I would surly break and arm trying to do that.;)

I am thankful for getting a little update on a sweet little boy we already love so much in Africa, thanks Shawnda!

I am thankful for our social worker - she was an adopted at age 8 from Ethiopia and she has adopted. She had such insight on many different levels. There are a lot of opinions out there about adoption and being able to ask her questions was priceless!

OK - I could go on and on but my hubby and kids are beginning to circle me so I shall go!:) What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. Yay! That sounds like a lot to be thankful for! I want to hear more about your update... I wish we could get one of those!!! Miss chatting with you.


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