Monday, July 6, 2009

Avoiding Folding

Hi - I am avoiding folding a rather large (and by large I mean enormous) pile of clothes. So I thought "I have not blogged for a while, why am I doing useful things like folding when I could be posting pics of our summer!" :) She is so dang cute! Ugh, it kills me how fast she is growing!

Soccer in the back yard! I am no soccer buff but I am sure this is not how you play!?!

We have had some pretty awesome weather around here. This was just an evening thunder storm building. God's work of art is amazing!


  1. Such pretty pictures. Kalyn said it looks like you live in a beautiful place, and I told her yes, and we need to come visit!!!

  2. so I hit the button to soon and didn't get to finish my thought, which was,
    can you fold AND cook for a large family?

  3. your little girl is too yummy for words. sooo cute.
    and i ditto Kalyn and Shonnie...y'alls land does look BEAUTIFUL.

  4. Sounds like coming to give you a hand with "Mt. Fold" would be a great excuse to see you all. Looks like fun at your house! Tell me again when fair is.

  5. And I'm proud of you for keeping your priorities straight - keeping in touch with friends and family on your blog IS much more important than folding clothes!


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