Friday, September 18, 2009

Adoption, Adoption, Adoption..............

I know I have been pretty quiet as to how the adoption is going and all the details. There are many reasons for my silence, some I will share some I wont. Bloggy world can be a blessing and a curse when dealing with matters of the heart - can there be any more sensitive subject than our children? Not in my book.

As I have said many times before this has been a wild ride. There has been sooooo (I can't add as many oooooo's as I want to) much with this process. And I am thankful for each one. It has changed who I am, and not that I was a bad person before, it is not about that, it is about the heart - I believe my heart beats, possibly, closer to God's and the things of Him. My heart is now breaking for the things that breaks His and, I hope, I am less focused on myself and more in Christ.

People have asked time and time again - Why are you adopting? This question stumps me every time - how do you explain a heart change? How do you explain your eyes being opened? How do I explain the process God brought me through to get me to this point? So today it dawned on me how I am going to answer - It is not about me! It is the first words to The Purpose Driven Life book (sadly, I do believe I am the only soul who has not read it) but I do know that is how it starts and I completely get what he is saying - IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!! It is not about what I want or need. It is about a couple coming to a point in their life, crying out to God and getting an answer. If you have never done that - I highly recommend it! Obey the call - in that, you will find the life Jesus was talking about (Mark 8:34-36).

So where are we at and how is it going? It is going great! Do I wish Isaiah was here 3 months ago, yes! But I also know that God has perfect timing and I am trusting in that. We are taking each step at a time. Currently we have been approved by our country - which was a big deal and today we are sending all the paperwork to Uganda. We are hoping to travel in October. All the details of that are being lifted up to our Savior and asking him to show the way and I believe He will!


  1. That is SO exciting for you guys!! YAY GOD!! I wish we had our paperwork ready to send. I've been praying that your stuff would come together, now we just need to get ours. Still praying to see you in Uganda! Awesome, awesome news!


  2. I believe He will too. I loved what you wrote in that post. It's not about me. OH. SO. TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh, I love your heart! I did a post so similiar to this today! I know just how you feel!

    I'm excited for you! I pray all goes smoothly for you to bring home Isaiah!

  4. Spoken so perfectly from a heart of God. We love you all. Praying for everything to come together in God's perfect timing.

  5. Amen sister! Adopting is not about us. It's not about our ease or comfort. It's about stepping out of our comfort zone and doing something for God. Your family is beautiful- inside and out. ;0) Amy

  6. Hi! My name is Frances and we are also adopting from Uganda! We have not been matched with a child yet (in the next 2 weeks we hear), but we are working our way through the process. We adopting from Amani Baby Cottage. I would love to hear where you are adopting from and the journey you have had so far.

    You can visit my blog and leave a comment there...I would love to connect with those adopting from Uganda!

    Frances Worthington


Love to hear from you!